Senin, 29 April 2019

Definition of Shopping


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1. also shoppe A small retail store or a specialty department in a large store.
2. An atelier; a studio.
3. place for manufacturing or repairing goods or machinery.
4. commercial or industrial establishment: printing shop.
5. business establishment; an office or a center of activity.
6. home workshop.
a. schoolroom fitted with machinery and tools for instruction in industrial arts.
b. The industrial arts as a technical science or course of study.
v. shoppedshop·pingshops
1. To visit stores in search of merchandise or bargains.
2. To look for something with the intention of acquiring it.
To visit or buy from (a particular store).
Phrasal Verb:
shop around
1. To go from store to store in search of merchandise or bargains.
2. To look for something, such as a better job.
3. To offer (a large block of common stock, for example) for sale to various parties: "[The company] is now activelybeing shopped around, with a prospectus in circulation" (Marianne Yen).
talk shop
To talk about one's work.

[Middle English shoppefrom Old English sceoppatreasure house.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. number or collection of articles purchased
2. the act or an instance of making purchases
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Switch to new thesaurus - searching for or buying goods or servicesshopping - searching for or buying goods or services; "went shopping for a reliable plumber";"does her shopping at the mall rather than down town"
buyingpurchasing - the act of buying; "buying and selling fill their days"; "shrewdpurchasing requires considerable knowledge"
marketing - shopping at a market; "does the weekly marketing at the supermarket" - the commodities purchased from stores; "she loaded her shopping into the car"women carrying homeshopping didn't give me a second glance"
commoditytrade goodgood - articles of commerce
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


noun purchasesbuysacquisitions We put the shopping away.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


Travelling or Traveling: What’s the Difference?

Are you taking a trip anytime soon? If so, where will you be traveling? Or is it travelling? How exactly do you spell this word?
The two words traveling and travelling can cause some confusion for those writers not exactly sure when to use which one. Are they just variations of the same word? Do they have different meanings? Do they function differently in a sentence?
In today’s post, I want to address all of these questions so you will never again wonder or second-guess yourself, “Is it travelling or traveling?”

The Difference Between Travelling and Traveling

Travelling and traveling are both verbs, obviously. To travel is to go from one place to another, as on a trip or journey. For example,
  • travelled or traveled definition: how to spell travellingIt was already too late; he knew they wouldn’t be travelling far. –The New Yorker
  • When the traveling pub is taken off a trailer and put together in a lot near Milwaukee and California avenues, it will boast 400 feet of bar space. –Chicago Sun Times
  • They travelled 5,000 miles from Myanmar to place a plaque in Seagrim’s native village of Whissonsett in eastern England. –Washington Post
  • Under that analysis, completion of the mobility plan would result in about 35 million miles per day being traveled on L.A. surface streets in 2035. –L.A. Times
You’re probably still thinking, “Okay, I still don’t know how to use these words.”
The difference between traveling vs. travelling isn’t much of a difference at all, really.
In fact, the difference between them is entirely dialectal. There is no demonstrable difference of sense or function, meaning both words can be used interchangeably.

When to Use Travelling

Even though the only thing separating travelling and traveling is a dialectical difference, it is still important to keep your audience in mind when picking which word to use and when.
Travelling (with two Ls) is the preferred spelling in British English and is used much more frequently than is traveling. The graph below shows the use of travelling vs. traveling (as a percentage of all words used) in British English books, journals, and magazines from 1800 to 2008.
traveled or travelled grammar difference
As you can see, travelling (with two Ls) clearly dominates in British English, being used at a rate of about 4:1.
Now, if we look at the same two words over the same time period but limit our search to American print sources, the results completely flip.
when to use traveling versus travelling
There’s actually a bigger gap between traveling and travelling in American English than there is in British English.

When to Use Traveling

As indicated in the above graph, traveled (with one L) is the preferred spelling in American English.
I’ve discussed the reason for the popularity of many shortened spellings in American English in other posts (cancelled/canceled comes to mind), but the basic reason stems back to Noah Webster himself.
He is usually credited with the shortening of many American spellings because in his original 1898 dictionary, he sought to simplify many British spellings he saw as unnecessary. This is where the British-American divide over words like color/colour came from.
Anyway, the point is, if you are writing to an American audience, traveling (with one L) is your best choice.

Remember the Difference – Traveling or Travelling?

One simple way to keep track of these two words is that the shorter spelling is American. If you can keep in mind that, generally speaking, British English favors (favours) the longer spelling of words, you will be able to remember the difference between these words.
It is also worthwhile to note that all of the distinctions in this post apply equally to travelled vs. traveled, traveled vs. travelled, traveller vs. traveler, traveler vs. traveller, etc.

Summary – Traveling vs. Travelling

Is it traveling or travelling? That depends on where you are writing and who is your audience.
  • Travelling is the preferred spelling in British English.
  • Traveling is the preferred spelling in American English.
Whether you’re talking about travelled or traveled or traveller or traveler, these same preferences still apply.


Le Philateliste by François Barraud(1929).
Stamp collecting is the collecting of postage stamps and related objects. It is related to philately, which is the study of stamps. It has been one of the world's most popular hobbies since the late nineteenth century with the rapid growth of the postal service,[1] as a never-ending stream of new stamps was produced by countries that sought to advertise their distinctiveness through their stamps.

Stamp collecting is generally accepted as one of the areas that make up the wider subject of philately, which is the study of stamps. A philatelist may, but does not have to, collect stamps. It is not uncommon for the term philatelist to be used to mean a stamp collector. Many casual stamp collectors accumulate stamps for sheer enjoyment and relaxation without worrying about the tiny details. The creation of a large or comprehensive collection, however, generally requires some philatelic knowledge and will usually contain areas of philatelic studies.


Postage stamps are often collected for their historical value and geographical aspects and also for the many subjects depicted on them, ranging from ships, horses, and birds to kings, queens and presidents.[2]
Stamp collectors are an important source of income for some countries who create limited runs of elaborate stamps designed mainly to be bought by stamp collectors. The stamps produced by these countries may exceed their postal needs, but may also feature attractive topical designs that many collectors desire.
Queen Victoria's profile was a staple on 19th century stamps of the British Empire; here on a half-penny of the Falkland Islands, 1891.


It has been suggested that John Bourke, Receiver General of Stamp Dues in Ireland, was the first collector. In 1774 he assembled a book of the existing embossed revenue stamps, ranging in value from 6 pounds to half a penny, as well as the hand stamped charge marks that were used with them. His collection is preserved in the Royal Irish AcademyDublin.[3]
Postage stamp collecting began at the same time that stamps were first issued, and by 1860 thousands of collectors and stamp dealers were appearing around the world as this new study and hobby spread across Europe, European colonies, the United States and other parts of the world.
The first postage stamp, the Penny Black, was issued by Britain in May 1840 and pictured a young Queen Victoria. It was produced without perforations (imperforate) and consequently had to be cut from the sheet with scissors in order to be used. While unused examples of the Penny Black are quite scarce, used examples are quite common, and may be purchased for $20 to $200, depending upon condition.
People started to collect stamps almost immediately. One of the earliest and most notable was John Edward Gray. In 1862, Gray stated that he "began to collect postage stamps shortly after the system was established and before it had become a rage".
Women stamp collectors date from the earliest days of postage stamp collecting. One of the earliest was Adelaide Lucy Fenton who wrote articles in the 1860s for the journal The Philatelist under the name Herbert Camoens.
As the hobby and study of stamps began to grow, stamp albums and stamp related literature began to surface, and by the early 1880s publishers like Stanley Gibbons made a business out of this advent.
Children and teenagers were early collectors of stamps in the 1860s and 1870s. Many adults dismissed it as a childish pursuit but later many of those same collectors, as adults, began to systematically study the available postage stamps and publish books about them. Some stamps, such as the triangular issues of the Cape of Good Hope, have become legendary.
Stamp collecting is a less popular hobby in the early 21st century than it was a hundred years ago. In 2013, the Wall Street Journal estimated the global number of stamp collectors was around 60 million.[6] Tens of thousands of stamp dealers supply them with stamps along with stamp albums, catalogues and other publications. There are also thousands of stamp (philatelic) clubs and organizations that provide them with the history and other aspects of stamps. Today, though the number of collectors is somewhat less, stamp collecting is still one of the world's most popular indoor hobbies.


A few basic items of equipment are recommended for proper stamp collection. Stamp tongs help to handle stamps safely, a magnifying glass helps in viewing fine details and an album is a convenient way to store stamps. The stamps need to be attached to the pages of the album in some way, and stamp hinges are a cheap and simple way to do this. However, hinging stamps can damage them, thus reducing their value; today many collectors prefer more expensive hingeless mounts. Issued in various sizes, these are clear, chemically neutral thin plastic holders that open to receive stamps and are gummed on the back so that they stick to album pages. Another alternative is a stockbook, where the stamps drop into clear pockets without the need for a mount. Stamps should be stored away from light, heat and moisture or they will be damaged.
Stamps can be displayed according to the collector's wishes, by country, topic, or even by size, which can create a display pleasing to the eye. There are no rules and it is entirely a matter for the individual collector to decide. Albums can be commercially purchased, downloaded or created by the collector. In the latter cases, using acid free paper provides better long-term stamp protection.

The beauty island "SAMOSIR ISLAND"

Everything you Need to Know about 
Samosir Island

Samosir Island is located in Lake Toba, a large crater lake in northern Sumatra. At 630 square kilometres – slightly smaller than Singapore – Samosir is the world’s largest island within an island. The island was born of a pair of dramatic prehistoric volcanic events, and was technically a peninsula until 1906, when the Dutch dug a canal through the narrow isthmus that attached it to the mainland. Today Samosir is the perfect location for a stress-free holiday in a gorgeous highland setting among the friendly Batak people. The cool air, laid back pace of life and absence of crowds form a welcome respite from the heat and commotion you normally encounter in Indonesia. You can see the island’s unique and fascinating Batak heritage in its clusters of traditional houses with roofs that curve upwards like buffalo horns, white-washed churches that dot the landscape, and ancient stone tombs and monuments. The breathtaking, unspoilt countryside with its steep, pine-covered slopes that descend into the deep blue water, and wide views in every direction will clear your mind and ensure that your stay on Samosir relaxes you completely.

*) Read more: at:

"TEMPE MENDOAN". Its Delicious ???

Mendoan (Banyumas Dialect: Mendoan, Mataraman and Semarangan: Mendhoan) is a type of fried food originating from the Banyumas Residency area in Central Java Province. The word Mendoandi is thought to originate from the Banyumasan language, namely Mendo, which means half cooked or soft. Mendoan means cooking with plenty of hot oil quickly so the dish is not cooked properly. The food most often made by Mendoan is tempeh and tofu.

Mendoan is not easy to make because the durability of the tempe is different from the general tempeh. Mendoan will taste sour when placed in a room with a temperature above room temperature, it would be better if you store mendoan in a place with low temperature. Mendoan tempe is served in hot conditions accompanied by cayenne pepper or soy sauce. Mendoan tempe can be used as a side dish or snack to accompany drinking or coffee while relaxing.

Mendoan tempe is easily found in traditional stalls in the area of ​​the former residency of Banyumas such as Purbalingga, Cilacap, Banjarnegara and Tegal. For the Banyumas region, travelers buy souvenirs from tempe in Sawangan, Purwokerto, which are typical Purwokerto hawker centers. The unique taste makes this food spread out beyond the Banyumas area. Tempe Mendoan can be found in major cities in Central Java, Yogyakarta and even to Jakarta.

In other cities in Central Java such as Semarang, Mendoan refers more to flour fried tempeh, or in other areas such as in Wonosobo Regency called Tempe kemul, where thin-shaped tempeh is just a slice. This caused a bit of confusion, especially for migrants from western Central Java. Mendoan Purwokerto is different from mendoan from several cities in the Central Java region, the oil feels wetter. Mendoan typical of Purwokerto is more enjoyable when served warmly, especially eaten while brewing tea or warm coffee. This food can be made without regard to the amount of tempeh or the amount of flour. Mendoan without tempeh or mendoan from leftover flour is also delicious to eat.


Gudeg is a traditional Javanese cuisine from Yogyakarta and Central Java, Indonesia. Gudeg is made from young unripe jack fruit(Javanese: gori, Indonesian: nangka muda) stewed for several hours with palm sugar, and coconut milk.Additional spices include garlic, shallot, candlenut, coriander seed, galangal, bay leaves, and teak leaves, the latter giving a reddish-brown color to the dish. It is often described as "green jack fruit sweet stew".


Served solely, gudeg can be considered as a vegetarian food, since it only consists of unripe jackfruit and coconut milk. However, gudeg is commonly served with egg or chicken. Gudeg is served with white steamed rice, chicken either as opor ayam (chicken in coconut milk) or ayam goreng (fried chicken), telur pindangopor telur or just plain hard-boiled egg, tofu and/or tempeh, and sambel goreng krechek a stew made of crisp beef skins.


There are several types of gudeg; dry, wet, Yogyakarta style, Solo style and East Javanese style. Dry gudeg has only a bit of coconut milk and thus has little sauce. Wet gudeg includes more coconut milk. The most common gudeg comes from Yogyakarta, and is usually sweeter, drier and reddish in color because of the addition of teak leaves as coloring agent. Solo gudeg from the city of Surakarta is more watery and soupy, with lots of coconut milk, and is whitish in color because teak leaves are generally not added. Yogyakarta's gudeg is usually called "red gudeg", while Solo's gudeg is also called "white gudeg". The East Javanese style of gudeg has a spicier and hotter taste compared to the Yogyakarta style gudeg, which is sweeter.
Gudeg is traditionally associated with Yogyakarta, and Yogyakarta is sometimes nicknamed "Kota Gudeg" (city of gudeg). The center of Yogyakarta gudeg restaurants is in the Wijilan area to the east side of the Yogyakarta Kraton (Sultan's palace).

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